Adam Posner

Seven months into his new job at Vayner Media, Adam is let go - fired - kaput. He just bought an expensive house in the burbs child on the way. Adam hit rock bottom and yet refused to let those events define him.

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Andrew Haley

Cancer forced Andrew's doctors to remove one of his legs just above his knee as a young child. Andrew persevered and threw himself into swimming where he competed in the Paralympics and went on to become a World Champion in the pool.

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Lori Lee

Lori comes from a family that has an equal bond in family and spirituality. So going through three divorces coming from a family like hers was very difficult to say the least. Lori shares her 20 year journey and how she has bounced back.

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Lila Smith

Lila Smith takes on her journey of being a professional actress and how she navigated the rough business of show business and finding her professional footing after showbiz to become a meaningful communicator.

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Carol Campos

Carol Campos shares her Everyday People story through divorce, being broke, being around addiction and eventually finding fulfillment. She has become a beacon of good vibes through life's trials and tribulations.

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Chip Baker

Chip found inspiration to be an educator and coach from his single Mom. As a forth generation educator and one who was raised poor by a single mom full of richness. His legacy is with all the kids he has impacted.

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